Who are we?
Dustys' Fishing Well is non-profit organization started in 2018 by a native San Franciscan hoping to impart onto the youth, skills taught to her by her mother and many other adults who had a vested hand in raising her. The skills and additional relevant topics are provided to teens as educational enrichment courses throughout the city of San Francisco.
In 2021 we expanded our program services, and now offer a Health Care Career Readiness Program, for our Transitional Aged Youth (TAY) population. The program, City EMT, is a stipend paid 16 week program providing Certificate of Completion, assistance with taking the National Registry State exam, supportive services, and job placement.
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Self Care Courses
*Economic Literacy
*Community Awareness *Social Justice *Proper Dining Etiquette *Healthy Cooking/ Nutrition *Physical Care of Self |